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This week Minister Shane Jones launched the consultation on the proposed amendments to the Fisheries Act. 

Industry body, Seafood New Zealand says proposed changes to commercial fishing rules are a win for consumers, common sense and sustainability.

Seafood New Zealand CEO Lisa Futschek and GM of Inshore, Tiff Bock, share two different experiences of what’s happening in the Hauraki Gulf.

Whether we are speaking on the radio, talking to friends or being good citizens by taking part in the democratic process, using our voices to talk…

An end-of-year message from Seafood New Zealand CEO Lisa Futschek.

Research and development by New Zealand’s leading fish biology and genomics scientists for the aquaculture industry also has huge potential for…

After more than a decade of proactive engagement, bycatch mitigation trials and innovations, and significant industry investment in observer coverage,…

The New Zealand Commercial Fish Species Poster has not only graced the walls of nearly every fish ‘n’ chip shop but also inspired its fair share of…

Troy Harper, 35, skipper and owner of Aleatha T. is part of the surface longline fleet. Seafood NZ chatted with him about his favourite fishing tech,…

A shark scientist who discovered a dozen new shark species on trips with Sealord vessel Will Watch in the Indian Ocean a decade ago is back on board …

Young Fish connects young people across the seafood industry. Co-founder Ben Pierce and Auckland Young Fish member Tommy Glass share their stories…

Richard Kibblewhite will be a familiar face to many, as he showcases his energetic auctioneering skills annually at the New Zealand Federation…