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The Stewart Island paua fishery is in such good heart, the Ministry for Primary Industries stock assessment pointed to a possible catch increase.

Frustration is building around obvious flaws in the rushed introduction of new monitoring technology across the fishing fleet.

And so it begins in earnest.

New Zealand's main skipjack tuna purse seine fishery has been certified by the Marine Stewardship Council (MSC) as being sustainably managed.

Seafood New Zealand says the industry is delighted that the Government has decided to bring forward the ban on microbeads.

Despite the howls of indignation by recreational fishing lobby groups– and the short, sharp rejection of new policy around recreational fishing by MPI…

Seafood production and procurement can be a complicated business.

Seafood production and procurement can be a complicated business.

New Zealand’s seafood stars have been recognised at the industry’s annual conference in Wellington today.


Seafood exports are predicted to hit a record $2 billion annually by 2020.