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The seafood sector continues its strong run in the latest primary industries situation and outlook.

Seafood exports are predicted to top $2 billion…

The deepwater fishery has landed one of its biggest catches - the international sustainability tick for orange roughy.


The Marine Stewardship…

Today’s announcement that New Zealand’s key orange roughy fisheries have gained the international gold standard for sustainable fishing demonstrates…

Westport and Greymouth fishermen visited the breeding colony of one of the West Coast’s unique seabirds, the Westland petrel, hosted by the Westland…

Forest & Bird’s so-called fish guide is doing consumers a disservice, the seafood sector said.

Sanford and Moana are among scores of prominent companies and individuals that have called on the Government to seriously tackle climate change

After industry spent a week holding its breath on the earthquake damage to the Kaikoura fisheries, MPI’s harvesting ban and $2 million science package…

November 18, 2016

The stranded cows were saved but it was tougher for marine creatures following this week’s massive 7.8 quake.


Startling images…

Seafood New Zealand supports the prosecution of a commercial fishing boat skipper over the death of albatross at sea.

November 11, 2016

The declaration of the Ross Sea marine reserve demonstrates conservation and sustainable commercial fishing can go hand in hand.