Packhorse rock lobster
Latin Name: Sagmariasus verreauxi
Weight: May exceed 15kg
Length: Tail length at or above 216mm
Family:Packhorse rock lobsters are members of the Palinuridae family (spiny lobsters).
They are most abundant along the north and east coasts of the North Island from Cape Maria van Diemen to east Cape. The main fisher is in the northern part of this area. Some individuals are ofund as far south as Foveaux Strait, but there is no directed fishery for the spedies south of the Bay of Plenty.
Sustainability of this New Zealand fish stock is ensured through the world-leading Fisheries Act and Quota Management System (QMS). The QMS guides the sustainable use of New Zealand fisheries. Find out what the QMS is and how it works.
Wild Caught