Latin Name: Kathetostoma giganteum
Weight: 1.5–5kg, up to 9kg
Length: 30–50cm, reaching 60cm
Family:Giant stargazer belongs to the Uranoscopidae family (armourhead stargazers).
Related species:
Spotted and Brown stargazers are related species in this family. Spotted stargazer (Genyagnus monopterygius) is green-brown to grey above and cream to pinkish-white or yellow below and is covered with large creamy-white oval spots.
Brown stargazer (Gnathagnus innotabilis) is dark brown above and paler on the sides and below and averages 30 to 40 centimetres in length.
Giant stargazer is widespread in New Zealand coastal waters and more common around the southern part of the South Island at depths between 50 metres and 500 metres off the continental shelf. They bury themselves in soft sediment and prey on passing fish and crustaceans.
They are caught all year by trawling, principally around the South Island.
The Stargazer is an expert at ambush. It lies almost completely concealed in its sandy burrow with its upward-looking eyes on the watch, then rushes its prey and grabs it with its capacious vertical mouth.
Stargazer is a good source of Vitamin B12 and Selenium; and a source of Niacin (Vitamin B3), Iodine, Phosphorus, Potassium
Seafood is a highly nutritious food and is a great source of protein. Many species are low in saturated fat and a number of them are a good source of Omega 3.
Wild Caught